How Over Toilet Aid Improves Toileting Independence of People with Mobility Impairment

Having the right toilet support like the over toilet aid can be very beneficial for people with mobility issues in bringing back their sense of independence.

Toileting is a part of our daily life. And for people requiring extra help and stability when using the toilet, this task can be frustrating. 

Over Toilet Aid

Over toilet aids make the process of transferring to and from the toilet a lot safer while promoting independence.

If your loved ones are at risk of injuring themselves when using the toilet, then you should begin to look into a wide range of toilet support.

Choosing the Right Over Toilet Aid

There are several options for toilet support that provide comfort and balance to people with mobility impairment or reduced strength.

Here are some factors to consider before buying a toilet support

• What height raise is required?

• Check the frame height if it is adjustable

• Decide whether you need a toilet to raise, toilet frame, or both

• Is there a space for grab rails and a toilet frame?

• Are you able to use both hands to push or pull up?

• Choose a toilet aid with raised armrests to assist the user in transferring on and off the stool.

• Prefer a reinforced aluminum frame to accommodate bariatric use.

• Make sure its heavy-duty and corrosion resistant

Functions and Benefits

Most toilet aids have safety arms, raised toilet seats, and usually height adjustable to provide a comfortable and safer way of toileting for disabled and elderly with knee, hip, or leg injuries. 

Other benefits of this toilet support are:

• Gives extra support when sitting on or getting up from the toilet.

• Helps the user feel more secure while sitting on the toilet.

• Prevents the user from dropping down the toilet seat because of its sidearms, where you can hold onto while lowering yourself gently.

• Gives the user a sense of confidence and independence to people with reduced mobility.

• If needed, order a toilet aid for each toilet in your household.

Helpful Tips When Using a Toilet Support

Toilet aids are designed to promote safe toileting, and it’s essential to get the most out of them. Here are some helpful tips that might help you maximize the benefits of this healthcare equipment.

• Raise the toilet to the correct height

• If your toilet is too high, you may benefit from using a step.

• If other people use the same toilet as you, choose toilet support that removes easily.

• Use a soft padded flip-up seat for easy cleaning.


If you are living with someone with mobility issues, using the right piece of equipment for your toilet might help you save some bucks for altering your bathroom in the future.

It is best to talk to your occupational therapists or your trusted healthcare equipment provider for accurate professional advice, to get suitable toilet support for your loved ones.