woman after gastric sleeve surgery

Gastric Sleeve Surgery: What Makes it an Effective Procedure?

Gastric sleeve surgery is a big help to those who are considered obese. This is because this type of weight-loss procedure is less invasive compared to other available options. This involves a doctor removing an estimated 85 percent of the patient’s stomach, thus leaving what looks like a tube or sleeve, as its name says.

In addition, the surgery is done laparoscopically. This means that it needs small incisions instead of larger ones. The doctor will then insert a tube that comes with a camera, as well as other instruments needed for the process. As soon as it has been completed, the tube-shaped stomach will be closed with the use of staples.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery: The Process

When the patient has lost a great amount of weight, then the patient can be scheduled to have a gastric bypass surgery. As this is the second surgery, undergoing it is less risky than if it was performed with other procedures. This phase is also known as staged approach. The time between these two procedures would typically be from 6-18 months after the initial procedure.

Less Time in the Hospital

Since the surgery is laparoscopically done, the time that the patient needs to stay in the hospital is lesser. Usually, patients only need to spend at least 1-2 days in the hospital. Also, the recovery time is shorter compared to when having a larger incision during the surgery. This is the reason why many patients and surgeons choose laparoscopic surgery.

What to Feel after the Surgery?

After the procedure, the patient can expect to have a tender and swollen abdomen for a few days. There are a lot of surgeons who will prescribe some medicine to help manage the discomfort.


In terms of diet, anyone who has undergone an effective gastric sleeve surgery needs to be on a strict liquid-only diet for at least two weeks after having the surgery. Then, the patient is permitted to consume pureed foods for another two weeks. For the final step, the patient can eat solid food after two weeks.

Patients who had the surgery can lose 50%-80% of excess body weight in the first six months after undergoing the surgery. Also, it has been shown that those who had the procedure show improvements in high blood pressure, diabetes, sleep apnea, and high cholesterol within the first two years.

The surgery compared to other types is a very advantageous type of surgery for weight loss. If you think that this surgery is the right one for you, considering your needs and weight loss goals, be sure to consult with a doctor. Doing so is very important so you can discuss if you are qualified for this kind of weight loss surgery or not.As we all know, weight gain and obesity are pressing problems today, especially that they affect the overall health of a person. In this case, weight loss surgery might just be the best answer. But it is important to identify which type of surgery will be most beneficial for you. Click here for more information on how the surgery can help in improving one’s health.